Healing Affirmations

© 2020 Melynnique Seabrook, M.A.

  1. I release everything others have thought and said about me in the past. It has no bearing now.

  2. I release my own misconceptions about myself. I am free to begin again trusting in my true nature, which is love.

  3. I let go of all guilt, depression, sadness and humiliation. I embrace a new day of growing health, healing and confidence.

  4. God forgives me, and I forgive myself totally.

  5. I release all negative energy from my being. I breath in new life and exhale all negativity.

  6. God is always present and ready to jump start my new life. I accept my freedom right now.

  7. I allow myself to be nurtured with all that's good, sweet and loving.

  8. I allow myself to receive love and forgiveness from all sides.

  9. I allow the good to surface from the deep well of God's loving energy inside me.

  10. God's vision remakes my concepts about myself and aligns me with God's love and will.

  11. I am equally worthy as anyone else to receive all the good that God has for me.

  12. God's light is filling me with radiant feelings of health and healing.

  13. I allow whatever negativity I have held onto to melt away into God's healing light and love.

  14. I inhale positivity and exhale disease.

  15. God's presence comforts and heals all my pain.

  16. He is my rock and my strength. I have only to turn to Him, and His presence raises my vibration above all illness, fear & sadness.

  17. God wants all good for me. I have only to accept His love, and all good is mine.

  18. I align myself with the sweet flow of God. I allow Him to work through me in confidence and strength.