I Believe

© 2020 Melynnique Seabrook, M.A.

  1. I believe in the possibility of staying focused and present in the NOW and not in the past or future, where there is guilt and fear.

  2. I believe in the possibility of being a witness to life and an observer rather than entering into all the emotional ups and downs that life can bring.

  3. I believe in the possibility of accepting all of myself--the so-called "good" and he so-called "bad".

  4. I believe in the possibility of staying within my own flow and not allowing others to dominate me or program me.

  5. I believe in the possibility of allowing others to be whoever they are without my judgment or interference.

  6. I believe in the possibility of not judging myself.

  7. I believe in the possibility of releasing my anger, fear and other negative emotions into the light of love, without acting out my feelings.

  8. I believe in the possibility of allowing the nurturing of love into me from all sources.

  9. I believe in the possibility that I can change and do not need to repeat the past.

  10. I believe in the possibility of forgiving myself.

  11. I believe in the possibility that I can allow feelings of compassion for myself and others.

  12. I believe in the possibility of seeing my life as a continual, dynamic flow and not a repetition of the past.

  13. I believe in the possibility of reaching the deepest peace within myself.

  14. When I believe in possibilities, I remain open to dynamic change and the flow of the Divine Spirit within me and about me.