Learning to Trust in Myself

© 2020 Melynnique Seabrook, M.A.

  1. My beloved Higher Self--God; into your healing presence and power I surrender everything. I allow You to carry all the burdens I thought were mine.

  2. You know how to order my life with clarity and purpose. I give up my struggle.

  3. I let go of all anger. Anger is my armor that distorts my vision of the world and of You. Underneath the anger is a fear of feeling vulnerable and open.

  4. Into Your loving presence I release all fear. Fear cripples me and keeps me from expanding my self-esteem. Fear is my worst enemy.

  5. To You I release all guilt. Guilt keeps me stuck in the past and unable to see my own goodness and the love inside myself and others. You are capable of healing me of all guilt by Your unconditional love.

  6. Self-esteem strengthens the greater that is my connection with You. I can be sure of everything, every moment, when I trust You are doing everything for me.

  7. You are all goodness, and every moment something good is available to me.

  8. When I take everything that happens in a positive way, all goodness is mine.

  9. I am able to flow with Your timing when I trust in You--that every moment is perfect just the way it is.

  10. You are not outside me. You are the most beloved, the sweetest, the kindest connection inside my own heart. You are loving me unconditionally, eternally, through loss and gain, pleasure and pain.

  11. You are the ocean of love behind all the maneuverings of this world. I see you playing with my children and feel you laughing on the wind.

  12. Everything belongs to You, and everything is You. There is no separation in spirit. I am one with the smallest molecule or with the farthest star.

  13. I choose to see goodness and positivity everywhere and in everything--especially inside myself.

  14. I depend upon You. I am Your child. I am Your creation, and you know what is best for me.

  15. In this moment I let go into Your comfort and Your boundless, all-loving presence.