Prayer for Strength

© 2020 Melynnique Seabrook, M.A.

Beloved Mother-Father God, help me be free of the past and strong in my faith in the future and of all the goodness that you have in store for me. I thank you for everything in my life that has come my way as a test, as a teaching, as an opening, an opportunity for expansion and understanding of how You and Your spirit run through my life in every moment in each breath. I thank you for all the trials and tribulations of the past and for this moment in which you are giving me all I need to realize my Great Self And when I remember the past, may it be with sweetness, because everything that has happened to me was for my own good.

I thank you for showing me how to be free, how to be clear and giving me the patience to wait for your rhythm so I will not fall into my own impatience and lack of understanding. I pray to follow the way of my heart--the spiritual way. Help me to watch for your signs and wonders in every little thing, whether it be the path of the ants through the grass or the flight of geese in their formation in the sky at sunset, or whether it be a telephone call just at the right time to give me inspiration to go on. Thank you for showing me that every moment is perfect, and everything I need is being given to me as Your gift.

Thank you for giving me loving people around me. When I have eyes to see myself with love, then all is transformed into love, and everyone I meet is my friend. Thank you for giving me courage and hope so I will not falter upon the same tracks of the past. Thank You for giving me the faith to remake my life in such a way that I am proud of my own strength and my own ability to change--to allow a new flow to come through my being--a flow that is more in alignment with Your spirit--Your joy, Your bliss, Your generosity, Your openness and Your freedom.

Help me always to listen to Your voice within my heart--Your are my own conscience. That is Your voice speaking to me amidst my every breath. It is Your guidance beckoning me to the path of love rather than down the road of restriction, pain, sorrow and fear, for it is through Your love and light, Your joy and hope that I find my Self Realization and my eternal path to freedom and joy.