Affirmations on Unconditional Love
© 2020 Melynnique Seabrook, M.A.
My parents had not learned how to love unconditionally from their parents and passed on their patterns to me. They did the best they could under the circumstances.
I release my mother's and father's expectations & judgments of me. I allow myself to follow my own path.
I release all patterns of conditional love heaped upon me by my mother & father. I am willing to feel my own unconditional love within my heart-my connection to God.
My own self-worth does not depend on anyone else's opinion or judgment.
I am willing to feel all my feelings regarding being loved and loving. I allow all the feelings trapped inside to come to the surface.
Just by recognizing and acknowledging my emotions, I give myself the choice to embrace and release negative feelings and be free.
I accept all my feelings and release them into the loving hands of God. I trust He is healing me of all negativity, because I have surrendered to Him.
I feel God's unconditional love for me healing my deep wounds.
God is healing all my sorrows with the love that can never be taken away.
God is my best friend. No matter what, He will never fail me.
God solves all doubts, heals all wounds and loves me without condition.
I release the dark cloud of my old limiting emotions into the light of God for transmutation (change) into pure love.
The flow of each moment is a joyful thing I feel, when I have no expectations & let go of fear.
God is all there is, within me and around me. I am His child; I depend on Him.
I am learning to love myself unconditionally, just as God loves me, with patience & with trust.