Manifestation Meditation
© 2020 Melynnique Seabrook, M.A.
A Prayer
Whatever I am inside, so is my world.
Whatever I meditate upon, that I become.
When I heal myself, I heal the whole world.
In this moment I choose to heal myself
By recognizing and releasing all personal limitations,
Fears and negativity into the light of the One Divine Creator.
I invoke from my essence, in the depth of my heart,
The qualities of health, harmony, abundance,
Forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love.
I allow myself to be filled with all goodness.
I allow energy of loving kindness to flow out from my heart
In all directions and to all dimensions.
"Make me an instrument of Thy peace."
I maintain the vision of the essential unity of all beings.
May all pain, sorrow and separation be lifted,
May all darkness be brought into light.
May there be cooperation, peace and unconditional love
For all creations of the One God.
A Response to Terrorism
There are many thoughts to ponder about terrorist attacks. Our buried dark side--our collective unconscious angers, fears and unimagined evils burst forth, poisoning the world.
I acknowledge such energies exist buried within me, as all of us on planet earth are mixtures of light and dark. To embrace all that I am--the evil and the good and all shades in between, I acknowledge and accept all these inner energies in order that I might bring them into wholeness.
I have discovered that for me, the way to integrate these negative energies has come by increasing my own self-esteem and self-worth. Whenever I am aware of the resurgence of my dark side, I flood myself with self-acceptance and unconditional love . Perhaps it is that same desperate need for healing that has manifested as these terrorist explosions of recent days.
The time has come for every one of us to let go of all these negative energies of separation and fear. The situation our world finds itself in today is a direct creation of the outflow of these energies inside us all. The ecological disaster this planet is suffering is due to greed and exploitation that runs unbalanced by love.
Using warfare as retaliation may make us fall back into the dark ages, . Whoever really won any war? War only brings misery and hatred and may cause dormant, terrorist forces to carry out more attacks on innocent people.
We must not succumb to assuming that the reality the "media" would have us view is the only world there is. The truth is: my world begins inside me--not the other way around!
Dwelling on negativity only increases its power. Let us stop watching television, listening to radio or reading newspapers that increase mass fear and continue to perpetuate victim energy. Whatever we meditate or concentrate upon, that we become. How can I bring peace and love to the world, if I am not peace and love myself? I am my world. When I see through eyes of love, such is my world.
We are powerful beings. Our power lies in our ability to create and recreate our reality. Let us lend our energy to a new vision. Each one of us working within ourselves can bring forth an ocean of unconditional love and self-acceptance that can totally change our physical reality, as I have felt that energy transform me.
We must lift ourselves above the chaos. We must manifest our vision of a new world of unity and cooperation between all species and all beings on this magnificent planet now! When I heal myself, everyone and everything around me assumes the vision of wholeness that begins inside me. When I am one with my Self, my world becomes harmonious and peaceful. Love radiates. It begins with me and spreads like the ripples from a pebble dropped on a pond.
These terrorist attacks have given us all a wakeup call. Let us dedicate ourselves to delve deeply into our hearts. Let us perform the work necessary to accept ourselves fully and manifest the loving beings that we truly are and always have been. Then let us ask for forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love for all. It is time to recognize and bring all children of the One God into unity, for we truly are one.
May all beings live in love. May the peace that has so long eluded us, finally bless this searching, struggling world.