I am a Spirit
© 2020 Melynnique Seabrook, M.A.
I affirm that I am a spirit with a body. When I identify with my spirit, it is easier to see myself as a witness and not become involved or dwell on negative emotions.
My body is not separate from my spirit, which fills it with love and light. When I see myself as one with my spirit, I come into alignment with the greater harmony that flows through all things.
My spirit sees the totality of any situation--sees life past death and transformation past the endings and beginnings of things.
I choose to release death--an outmoded and limited way of feeling and being. Every moment is transforming itself. Death is change and transformation and never the end.
Love never dies or leaves our hearts. Everyone we have ever loved is eternally with us, a part of our hearts.
Fear of death is fear of life--both sides of the same coin. Fear of loss keeps us from really taking the chance to live fully.
When our hearts are closed, there is only darkness. On the other side of darkness there is nothing but love. Only through surrender can we glimpse the ocean of love.
Fear of letting go keeps us prisoners of loss, grief and sorrow. Surrendering to the Great Spirit who creates everything and feeling that He (She) who made us knows what's best for us, brings us into alignment with the eternal flow of love through all things.
When we let go to the Eternal Spirit, an ocean of fear, death, burden and sorrow leaves us, and we are free to live in the perpetual flow of our hearts.