I am Worthy to Receive
© 2020 Melynnique Seabrook, M.A.
I am a child of God. I am loved completely.
I am the one who must open my own heart for myself. God loves me fully; it is up to me to forgive myself and love myself completely.
This is the moment in which I can reverse negative patterns of the past and leave behind conditioning of others. There will never be a better moment than now for me to sharpen my awareness of the way I function and to free myself. Self-awareness is the key to self transformation.
I do not need to hang on to other people's programs for me about who I am and whether I am worthy or not. Problems come when I turn over my "power" (ideas of self-esteem) to others, however well-meaning they may be.
No one outside of me can fulfill the needs I have within my own heart. The love I need is right inside me--no one else can give it to me! Others can evoke it within me, but it is up to me to clear the channel of love and self-worth for myself so my own love shines.
I release all anger, resentment, unworthiness, pain, guilt and shame to the light of the Great Spirit. I allow all burdens to vanish by asking for divine help. When I surrender, I can feel the cloud being lifted off me. When I surrender, I become worthy to receive.
The space that was held by negativity is now free to receive all goodness. I invoke love, self-worth, self-esteem, health, healing, balance, harmony, freedom, joy, forgiveness, compassion and material support for my life.. These energies are inside my own being and are available to me when I sincerely open my heart and ask for them.
What I meditate upon, that I become. First I must feel without a doubt that I am worthy to receive. Then I turn toward the light, release all negativity and feel myself surrounded by goodness and healing. My life becomes full with all the bounty of God.
In each moment, I am given what I need. Patience is the key to contentment.
Every moment becomes joyous and free, when I appreciate everything I have and who I am.