Love, Faith and Trust
© 2020 Melynnique Seabrook, M.A.
God made the heavens & the earth and all her creatures. We are all children of the one God.
God's essence fills all of us equally through every molecule of our being. How can there be any separation from God?
Separation from God is an illusion which God allows us to have until His grace comes and wakes us from our spiritual slumber.
Then He comes & whispers in our ears, "I was always with you--in your sorrows & your pains, your losses & gains, your triumphs & your tragedies. It is all a part of my "divine play," and you are the players. Everything is My handiwork".
"Look inside your heart--feel My constant companionship, My comfort & My joy always with you. There is nothing to do, nowhere to go and nothing to gain or to lose. You have Me already, and I am everything! Feel Me in your own heart, and you will see Me everywhere!"
"I shine like diamonds in the eyes of all creatures. It is My sweetness in the flowers of springtime and My chill on the winds of winter. I am in everything, yet beyond all. I am your Father and your Mother, and you will always be My children. No matter what you do--even reject me--I will always accept you and love you completely. How can I do otherwise! There is no separation between us! You are resting on my bosom, and I am always here to comfort you!"
"Let go of your burdens into My loving hands. Give up all your struggles. Abide in Me--in My comfort and My strength. Loosen the bonds around your hearts and accept My ever-constant love. I will shelter & protect you from your pain. Turn over your minds and hearts to Me--become aware of My flow through you, and I will ease all your troubles."
"Give up the separation--we are one! We always have been, and we always will be. When you feel weary and troubled, go inside your heart and surrender all your cares and worries to Me. My supernatural healing powers will dissolve all your burdens. You shall have everything, for I know your needs and what is best for you better than you, yourself know. I shall bestow on each and every one of you what is best, in My own time. Your love and trust in Me is all you need."
"My kingdom is beyond all the things of this earth and beyond the hopes of your fondest dreams. I shall bestow My grace upon you in My own time. Live with love, faith & trust in Me, and you shall have my eternal kingdom!"