True Self-Esteem
© 2020 Melynnique Seabrook, M.A.
True self-esteem comes when we are deeply connected to our true selves.
Our true self is in our heart and is the connection with God.
That connection can bear all things with its great love.
Through surrendering to a higher power and when we contemplate the endless wonders of the universe, this immense love in our own hearts grows and grows.
Attributes of high self-esteem, such as patience, courage, strength and self-assuredness develop when we expand the love within our own hearts.
True love manifests when we trust deeply in the connection with God and we turn over everything the Him.
The greater the connection with God, the more love we feel for ourselves and for others.
True understanding of ourselves and others comes when we have enough love to accept everything, just the way it is, without criticism or judgment
Acceptance of all things--the seemingly bad and the seemingly good leads to universal love, inner harmony and balance.
With complete acceptance of ourselves and what each moment brings, the heart can grow and embrace everything, both inside and out.
When the bad and the good are accepted completely, love is all there is.
A heart full of love transforms everything and everyone into love.
A heart filled with love receives all the blessings of God each and every moment.
When we love completely, every moment then becomes a fulfillment unto itself, and all the glories of God are manifest everywhere.